Sitka Pacific

Investment Management

To learn more about our approach, visit Investment Management.

To schedule a consultation and complimentary portfolio review, visit Getting Started.

Macro Value Monitor

Providing investors with the historical context behind the current market environment.  Visit Memos, Articles, & Letters.

The Standard 60/40 Portfolio Yield

The underlying yield of a standard 60/40 portfolio of U.S. stocks and bonds is shown below.

After reaching a record low of 2.14% in 2021, the underlying yield of a standard portfolio has risen to 3.46% at the start of the second quarter 2024. It remains near prior secular low yields of the past century, recorded in 1901, 1929, 1965, and 1999.

Sitka Pacific U.S. 60/40 Portfolio Yield March 2023

At Sitka Pacific, client portfolios are invested in global equity markets which represent both a good value and the opportunity for sustainable growth. Recent valuations of equity markets around the world are highlighted below.

Learn more at Investment Management.

Sitka Pacific U.S. 60/40 Portfolio Yield March 2023

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The Standard 60/40 Portfolio Yield

The underlying yield of a standard 60/40 portfolio of U.S. stocks and bonds is shown below.

After reaching a record low of 2.14% in 2021, the underlying yield of a standard portfolio has risen to 3.46% at the start of the second quarter 2024. It remains near prior secular low yields of the past century, recorded in 1901, 1929, 1965, and 1999.

Sitka Pacific U.S. 60/40 Portfolio Yield March 2023

At Sitka Pacific, client portfolios are invested in global equity markets which represent both a good value and the opportunity for sustainable growth. Recent valuations of equity markets around the world are highlighted below.

Learn more at Investment Management.

Sitka Pacific U.S. 60/40 Portfolio Yield March 2023

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Investment Management

Before investing, we will discuss your goals and risk tolerances with you to see if a separately managed account at Sitka Pacific would be a good fit. To contact us for a free consultation, visit Getting Started.

Macro Value Monitor

To read a selection of recent client letters and be alerted when new letters are posted to our public site, visit Recent Client Letters.